DIY F-Clamps
I’ve seen a lot of people make clamps in many different ways. With my clamp design, I wanted to do a couple different things. First and foremost, I wanted to get rid of those menacing handles that really get in the way when I try to tighten rows of clamps together.
Second of all, I wanted to make them as simple as I could. With a couple templates I’ve painstakingly created, I think I’ve done that. My clamps can be made out of plywood and need only glue, a couple 5/16″ nuts, a square nut and a 5/16″x4″ bolt.
And the best part is that I’ve included the templates for free…scroll down fellow f-clamper!

Free Templates
I’ve made a couple different versions of this plan. On the left we have the Plywood version, which, incidentally, is the better version due to its incredible strength.

On the right we have the plywood versions more elegant cousin. There are still a few kinks I’m working out (and yes, I’ll update soon enough), so I’m really discouraging it for now.
Simply right click and ‘save as’. You’ll want to make sure the measurements are accurate with a ruler. Then, follow the instructions in the video!