Advanced Gear Stool
Click above to see a quick build of the Advanced Gear Stool.
If you listen to this guy’s younger brother, the Simple Gear Cradle, you’ll note an air of jealousy. Yes, this stool is more complicated to put together due to the different wood widths. Yes, it takes a little more skill and a few more tools. But this stool has something its younger brother doesn’t have: Style. Because all 4 legs angle out, instead of just two legs on the simple version, it also means there’s less of a chance of tipping this over.
The legs need to be measured out, individually, unlike its younger brother, but it is simple and will make you feel like a million bucks when you go to put the cross brace in.
I’ve given a list of items that you’ll get with the plans on the right →
If you listen to this guy’s younger brother, the Simple Gear Cradle, you’ll note an air of jealousy. Yes, this stool is more complicated to put together due to the different wood widths. Yes, it takes a little more skill and a few more tools. But this stool has something its younger brother doesn’t have: Style. Because all 4 legs angle out, instead of just two legs on the simple version, it also means there’s less of a chance of tipping this over.
The legs need to be measured out, individually, unlike its younger brother, but it is simple and will make you feel like a million bucks when you go to put the cross brace in.
I’ve created a list of items that you’ll get with the plans below. ↓
You’ll get an offline HTML file that will work like your own webpage. Each step of the plans gives you a video run down of what you’ll do in that step. Tools and supplies will be a click away.
One hour and fifty minutes of video will be at your finger tips. This includes a full build of the project, a printer video showing how to print the patterns perfectly, a seat top resin pour video, as well as a laminated gears howto. You’ll also get a video showing how to add improvements to your stool.
13 diagram schematics showing all the measurements.
A Tools & Material PDF and a Cut List PDF.
A leg adjustment page to get the right fit for you.
5 gear patterns and a 1:1 resin seat pattern, in case you choose to make a clear seat.
Besides the plans, you’ll get different options that will make the stool work better (bearings, a spring).
I've included a sample video showing how each of the steps will look. Each step is broken down so that even the least experienced woodworker can understand the process.
I've included a sample video showing how each of the steps will look. Each step is broken down so that even the least experienced woodworker can understand the process.
- Bandsaw
- Drill Press
- Portable Drill
- Awl
- Ruler & Yard Stick
- Hammer / Mallot
- F-Clamps
- Carpenter’s Square / Machinist Square
- Compass
- Brad Point Bits: 1/8″, 3/8″,
1/2″ - Step Bit with 1/2″ increments
- 1″ Forstner Bit / Spade Bit
Glue Brush 7/8″ Forstner Bit 3/8″-16 Tap Pull Saw Tape Measure Planer Table Saw
← To the left I have a list of tools needed for the project. The tools in red are optional, but will help significantly in the build process.
Below I have a list of tools needed for the project. The tools in red are optional, but will help significantly in the build process.
- Bandsaw
- Drill Press
- Portable Drill
- Awl
- Ruler & Yard Stick
- Hammer / Mallot
- F-Clamps
- Carpenter’s Square / Machinist Square
- Compass
- Brad Point Bits: 1/8″, 3/8″, 1/2″
- Step Bit with 1/2″ increments
- 1″ Forstner Bit / Spade Bit
- 7/8″ Forstner Bit
3/8″-16 Tap (HIGHLY recommended) Glue Brush Pull Saw Tape Measure Planer Table Saw
Here you’ll find the 3 different ways you can get my Gear Stool. My recommendation? It would be easy for me to say to get both (the Combo option), but watch the video at the top of this page and the video on the Simple Gear Stool page and choose which one matches your skill level as well as the resources you have in your shop.

Advanced Gear Stool
Almost 2 Hours of Video
ePlans + PDF Packet
Only $8.00

Simple Gear Stool
Over 2 Hours of Video
ePlans + PDF Packet
Only $6.00

Adv & Simple Gear Stool Combo
2 ePlans + 2 PDF Packets
Over 3 1/2 Hours of Video
Only $10.00